القائمة الرئيسية


I am excited to say that the snow is 'almost' gone from my yard - I just have a few mounds where we piled it while clearing the driveway during the NUMEROUS storms we had this year.  Winter was not kind to us here in the north east.

Since I last wrote a post I have updated my free printable calendar for the 2019-20 school year.  You can download it HERE in my TPT store or by clicking on the photo below.

This year, for some reason, I have need to spend a fair bit of time working with doubles so I created a new math work station and posted it in my store for you.  The theme is perfect for this time of year . BUBBLES!  I am also working on a learning pack for a 'bubbles day'.  More on that in a week or two :).
If you have some of my other doubles work stations you will find this one very similar.  Students have a choice of rolling a dice or spinning a spinner, doubling the number and playing like bingo.

I have included all pages in both color and black and white and you can find it HERE in my TPT store or by clicking the photos above.

Giveaway ended - As with all my new products, I will send a copy to the first 3 people who comment on this post.  Today, I am asking you to tell me what you think I should include in my Bubble Day pack that I am working on.  P.S. Don't forget your email!

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