Over the past season we�ve been revising and adding to our resources meant to help teams, coaches and mentors thrive during their season. As a part of that effort, we wanted to call out specific resources that may be helpful to you or your team while planning your season fundraising strategy and creating your team budget.
Please check out our Fundraising Guide which can be found on our Team Management Resources page on our website. The FIRST Tech Challenge Fundraising Guide contains helpful information, that is FIRSTTech Challenge specific, about why and how you might want to seek community support, what grants FIRST may have to offer to your team, and reasons why local businesses in your area might want to sponsor a portion of your season. This guide is a great starting point for any rookie team or established team looking to involve community businesses for their upcoming season.
This guide gives you a quick cost breakdown for expected expenses throughout the season and gives you a guidepost for figuring out how much funding you might ask for from sponsors. It also features best practices on making the official ask for your team as well as common follow-up needs and timelines once you do meet with potential sponsors.
We truly hope you find this resource practical and useful as we move into the new season. And, as always, if you have a great fundraising method or story, leave us a comment or email us @ ftcteams@firstinspires.org.
Happy Fundraising!