القائمة الرئيسية


We loved seeing all your hilarious reminders of things to make sure not to forget when your team is traveling to an event on our Facebook page, so we made a blog post list! Check it out below!

Linnea Wanito Carroll:Safety glasses

Dan Oelke: Your notebook. Make sure the team member that took it home grabbed in the morning despite their sleep deprived state. :-)

Holly Roe: Copies of the FIRST team roster and consent/release forms for each team member (as required)

Danny Diaz: You should always remember that not everyone understands that you can ask your neighbor for tools, spare parts, or advice. It's important to keep your eyes and ears open, pay attention to others, and recognize when someone else needs help. It will make a world of difference to them, even if they might think you're "butting in" at the moment.

Andrew Ward: As many usb cables as you can possibly find

Sudie Ammerman:Everyone should bring their Gracious Professionalism - parents, mentors, and students. Thank the volunteers when you see them and at the conclusion of the event.

Ashley Stevens:USB hub, team roster and extension cord are the things we have forgotten at various times in the past.

Tamara Smith:Fully charged batteries and phones

Heather Johnson:Pens, sharpies, and an extension cord

Chris Baker: ALL of your attachments, not most of them.

Connie Wong: Your manners. Everyone there is there for the same reason as you are. Do be polite to each other.

Sonja Overvoorde Timmer: remember your nuts and bolts!

Linda Frye Stewart:Spare 3-D printed parts and either a small white board or chalk board to leave message for judges if you leave the pits

Leah Milton:Pencils, sharpies, scissors, paper towels, and zip ties

Barbara La Dine:Your passport (if competing in Europe) and team notebook, if you don't want to write an 80 page first draft final essay in 2 hours.

Layne Kirk: The robot ?? ??Manage

Bill Blackburn:The robot and the team

Dominique Blank:Backups for everything.

Amos James Mainville:Gracious professionalism

Janet Becker:Safety glasses

Karen Mandeville Dibbern: Team computer. Connie Rooke ??

Matthew James:The kids

CJ Hess: Spare parts. Chargers

Jj Martin:Chargers

Doug Bruce: The team

Jedi Knights - FTC Team 11555: GP

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