القائمة الرئيسية


My first memory of Mr. Potato Head was when my younger brother received one as a gift. I remember trying to figure out how many combinations we could come up with to assemble him.   Then ... we discovered there was a Ms. Potato Head - oh the memories!!!

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I stumbled upon ... you guessed it Potato Head clip art!!!  My newest learning pack features eight math games that use potato body parts to Build a Potato Person.

Using the same potato pieces students can play eight different math games including:

Add 1
Add 2

Add 5
Add 10
Doubles +1
Subtract 1

"I can" instruction cards are included for each game to build independence and make planning and differentiation a snap.

You can find this learning pack HERE at my TPT store.

As always, the first 3 people who comment on this post with their email will receive a copy.  

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